Beautiful Collie puppies for sale

Collie, Johannesburg

Standing about 26 inches from the ground, Collies are a gentle and agile breed of dogs with a body that is nicely proportioned. A full grown male Collie can weigh between 10 to 25 kg. Appearance wise, they look quite similar to a fox. They have a slim head with a pointed snout and arched eyebrows. They are very strong and generally were used for herding. They have small ears with folded tips. Collies also have a long tail. Generally, a Collie can live till the age of 16. These dogs have a long body that is supported by four strong legs. Collies have long double coat that is quite rough in the outer part and softer in the under coat. These dogs are available in various color combinations including sable and white and in tri-color combination that includes a mix of black, white, and tan.

Collies also have a very powerful back and come with small paws. Their physically strong look is more emphasized by the strong neck muscles. Their nose is black in color.

Beautiful Collie puppies for sale